Hunger Games Simulator Wiki
Hunger Games Simulator Wiki

"Winona", known as "The bird user taking flight into the world", is a Flying-type Pokémon Gym Leader who is introduced in Generation III. A passionate Pokémon Trainer who specialized with Flying-type, Winona has a special bond that she feels that she is "one with Bird Pokémon". She can also be a bit spacey at times, as she is seen one time at the top of one of the transmission towers, with her arms extended and hair flowing to feel like flying, much to the chagrin of concerned locals. She first appears in Hunger Games Simulator Season (LMoal9pG).

Hunger Games Stats[]

Appearances & Placements[]

Season District Placing
Hunger Games Simulator Season (LMoal9pG) District 5 -

Kill Count[]

Season Kills Victims How?
So far, Winona has not killed any tributes yet.

District Partners[]

Partner District Season
Brock District 5 Hunger Games Simulator Season (LMoal9pG)
Crasher Wake

In-Season Fates[]

Season Died? How?
Hunger Games Simulator Season (LMoal9pG) TBA -