Hunger Games Simulator Wiki
Main Information Season Script

"The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 10)", which is also known as "Round 10", is a Hunger Games Simulator season created by Lucario765G, which is part of the The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends). It contains 24 tributes from varying sources.


Arthurkirkland Mamitomoe Seig Sonianevermind Sonicthehedgehog Scitwi Sunilnevla Hollyleaf

Foxmccloud Judyhopps Jasongrace Scarletwitch Takerutakaishi Junobeastars Borutouzamaki Yangxiaolong

Fumikagetokoyami Hermionegranger Steveminecraft Sashablouse Tomohitosugino Marinettedupaincheng Yunarukami Lillie

Character From Year District
Arthur Kirkland Hetalia: Axis Powers 2003 1
Mami Tomoe Puella Magi Madoka Magica 2011 1
Sieg Fate/Apocrypha 2012 2
Sonia Nevermind Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair 2012 2
Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic the Hedgehog (1991) 1991 3
Twilight Sparkle My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks 2014 3
Sunil Nevla Littlest Pet Shop 2012 4
Hollyleaf Warriors: Leafpool's Wish 2014 4
Fox McCloud Star Fox 1993 5
Judy Hopps Zootopia 2016 5
Jason Grace The Heroes Of Olympus: The Lost Hero 2010 6
Wanda Maximoff X-Men Vol 1 #4 1964 6
Takeru Takaishi Digimon Adventure 1999 7
Juno Beastars 2017 7
Boruto Uzumaki Boruto: Naruto Next Generations 2015 8
Yang Xiao Long RWBY 2013 8
Fumikage Tokoyami My Hero Academia 2014 9
Hermione Granger Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 1997 9
Steve Minecraft 2009 10
Sasha Braus Attack on Titan 2009 10
Tomohito Sugino Assassination Classroom 2012 11
Marinette Dupain-Cheng Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Chat Noir 2015 11
Yu Narukami Persona 4 2008 12
Lillie Pokémon Sun and Moon 2016 12


Tribute District Placing Cause of Defeat
Sonic the Hedgehog District 3 24th Place Killed in an explosion from a bomb by Juno
Marinette Dupain-Cheng District 11 23rd Place
Steve District 10 22nd Place
Mami Tomoe District 1 21st Place
Sasha Braus District 10 20th Place Set on fire by Jason Grace with a molotov
Takeru Takaishi District 7 19th Place Unknowingly ate toxic berries
Hollyleaf District 4 18th Place Killed by Lillie, who protects her target Fumikage Tokoyami
Twilight Sparkle District 3 17th Place Shot a poisonous dart by Hermione Granger in her neck, slowly killing her
Lillie District 12 16th Place Ambushed by Tomohito Sugino and was killed
Yang Xiao Long District 8 15th Place Killed by Hermione Granger for her supplies
Judy Hopps District 5 14th Place Bleeds out due to untreated injuries
Fumikage Tokoyami District 9 13th Place Neck silently snapped by Arthur Kirkland
Wanda Maximoff District 6 12th Place Neck silently snapped by Boruto Uzumaki
Tomohito Sugino District 11 11th Place Dies trying to escape the arena
Juno District 7 10th Place Shot a poisonous dart by Sonia Nevermind in her neck, slowly killing her
Boruto Uzumaki District 8 9th Place Reluctantly killed by Sieg
Jason Grace District 6 8th Place Tracked down and klled by Sieg, Sonia Nevermind, Hermione Granger and Fox McCloud
Arthur Kirkland District 1 7th Place Killed by Sonia Nevermind while he is resting
Yu Narukami District 12 6th Place Overpowered by Sunil Nevla and was killed
Sunil Nevla District 4 5th Place Killed in a three-person battle by Sonia Nevermind
Fox McCloud District 5 4th Place Unknowingly ate toxic berries
Sonia Nevermind District 2 3rd Place Neck silently snapped by Hermione Granger
Hermione Granger District 9 2nd Place Killed by Sieg after being convinced not to kill him
Sieg District 2 1st Place


District Placements[]

District Placements
1 District 2
2 District 9
3 District 5
4 District 4
5 District 12
6 District 1
7 District 6
8 District 8
9 District 7
10 District 11
11 District 3
12 District 10


Tribute Total
Hermione Granger 4
Sonia Nevermind
Tomohito Sugino
Sieg 3
Fox McCloud 1
Sunil Nevla
Arthur Kirkland
Jason Grace
Boruto Uzumaki

