Hunger Games Simulator Wiki

"Sunil Nevla" is a character introduced in the cartoon Littlest Pet Shop in its 2012 TV series. Sunil is a mongoose with a knack with magic, as well as having practices to perfect it to wow the crowd, although sometimes it end with explosions. However, he is also plagued with fears and insecurities, putting the blame and problems to himself, and tends to panic a lot, excluding cobras. He first appears in The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 1).

Hunger Games Stats[]

Appearances & Placements[]

Season District Placing
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 1) District 4 24th Place
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 2) District 4 -
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 3) District 4 -
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 4) District 4 -
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 5) District 4 -
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 6) District 4 -
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 7) District 4 -
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 8) District 4 -
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 9) District 4 -
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 10) District 4 -

Kill Count[]

Season Kills Victims How?
So far, Sunil Nevla has not killed any tributes yet.

District Partners[]

Partner District Season
Hollyleaf District 4 The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 1)
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 2)
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 3)
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 4)
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 5)
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 6)
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 7)
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 8)
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 9)
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 10)

In-Season Fates[]

Season Died? How?
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 1) Yes Convinced by Sasha Braus not to kill her only to kill him instead
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 2) - -
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 3) - -
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 4) - -
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 5) - -
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 6) - -
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 7) - -
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 8) - -
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 9) - -
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 10) - -