Hunger Games Simulator Wiki

"Sky" is a character introduced into the Western Animation series Total Drama, particularly Total Drama: Pahkitew Island. An aspiring Olympian, Sky sets her eyes in winning of the game, taking the position of the team player and leader. She believes in playing fair and is sometimes aggressive to people of foul play. She first appears in HGSS5.

Hunger Games Stats[]

Appearances & Placements[]

Season District Placing
HGSS5 District 7 18th Place
HGSS6 District 4 9th Place
HGSS8 District 10 16th Place
HGSS12 District 7 19th Place

Kill Count[]

Season Kills Victims How?
HGSS5 4 Courtney Killed in an explosion from a bomb
Dean Ambrose
Morgan Freeman

District Partners[]

Partner District Season
Duncan District 7 HGSS5
Michael Cole District 4 HGSS6
Franklin Clinton District 10 HGSS8
Egoraptor District 7 HGSS12

In-Season Fates[]

Season Died? How?
HGSS5 Yes Formed a suicide pact with Zachary, Scott and Nicole, killing themselves
HGSS6 Yes Head bashed with a mace by Scott
HGSS8 Yes Stung to death by tracker jackers
HGSS12 Yes Killed in an explosion from a bomb by Adam