"Shin" is an original Total Drama character who appears in the fanfiction series Total Drama Island Do Over and part of the ensemble of the fanfic of the same name. He is one of the foreign contestants of the season, and exhibit the Japanese honor but also seeks to lead his group. Do not think that he has all the Japanese stereotypes, he hates it. He first appears in HGSS3.
Hunger Games Stats[]
Appearances & Placements[]
Season | District | Placing |
HGSS3 | District 4 | 20th Place |
HGSS4 | District 2 | 16th Place |
HGSS8 | District 11 | 13th Place |
HGSS14 | District 4 | 3rd Place |
HGSS19 | District 1 | 15th Place |
HGSS27 | District 5 | 22nd Place |
HGSS31 | District 7 | 2nd Place |
Randomized Hunger Games | District 8 | 32nd Place |
Kill Count[]
Season | Kills | Victims | How? |
HGSS4 | 1 | Felicity | Set on fire with a molotov |
HGSS14 | 1 | Dwayne Jr. | Stabbed to death with a pair of sais |
HGSS31 | 2 | ||
District Partners[]
In-Season Fates[]
Season | Died? | How? |
HGSS3 | Yes | Killed in a three-person battle by Staci |
HGSS4 | Yes | Killed in an explosion from a bomb by Trent |
HGSS8 | Yes | Stung to death by tracker jackers |
HGSS14 | Yes | Killed by Kitty as he tries to run |
HGSS19 | Yes | Killed by Cinder Fall with his own weapon |
HGSS27 | Yes | Stabbed while his back is turned by Scott |
HGSS31 | Yes | Disconnected by the server |
Randomized Hunger Games | Yes | Fell into a pit and died |