Hunger Games Simulator Wiki

"Shawn" is a character introduced into the Western Animation series Total Drama, particularly Total Drama: Pahkitew Island. Throughout his entire life, he spends it training to be prepared for a zombie apocalypse. Although it may be silly, his training ended up with plenty of skills that are proved useful in the various challenges in his season. He first appears in HGSS3.

Hunger Games Stats[]

Appearances & Placements[]

Season District Placing
HGSS3 District 7 15th Place
HGSS23 District 6 22nd Place
Randomized Hunger Games III (Test Phase) District 7 2nd Place
Randomized Hunger Games III District 7 28th Place

Kill Count[]

Season Kills Victims How?
Randomized Hunger Games III (Test Phase) 1 Happy Flung out to outer space with Sakurano Machiko after he accused him of being an Imposter

District Partners[]

Partner District Season
Anne Maria District 7 HGSS3
Misty District 6 HGSS23
Hank District 7 Randomized Hunger Games III

In-Season Fates[]

Season Died? How?
HGSS3 Yes Head was bashed against a rock several times by Eva
HGSS23 Yes Repeatedly stabbed by Chica with sais
Randomized Hunger Games III (Test Phase) Yes Drowned by a hallucinating Sakurano Machiko, who thought he was a shark trying to eat her
Randomized Hunger Games III Yes Fell into a pit and died