"Scarlett" is a character introduced into the Western Animation series Total Drama, particularly Total Drama: Pahkitew Island. An enigmatic genius, she is forced to team up with Max for his diabolical schemes of evil, although there is more to meet in Scarlett than what it seems to be. She first appears in HGSS1.
Hunger Games Stats[]
Appearances & Placements[]
Season | District | Placing |
HGSS1 | District 1 | 10th Place |
HGSS3 | District 8 | 1st Place |
HGSS7 | District 1 | 16th Place |
HGSS10 | District 11 | 3rd Place |
HGSS25 | District 3 | 17th Place |
HGSS29 | District 4 | 12th Place |
Randomized Hunger Games | District 8 | 21st Place |
Kill Count[]
Season | Kills | Victims | How? |
HGSS1 | 1 | Sammy | Strangled to death after engaging in a fist fight |
HGSS3 | 1 | Tyler | Severely injured and put out of misery |
HGSS7 | 1 | Nightmare Freddy | Head bashed against rock several times |
HGSS10 | 2 | Priyanka Maheswaran | Killed in a three-person battle |
Krystal Anderson | |||
Randomized Hunger Games | 1 | The Undertaker | Head bashed against a rock several times |
District Partners[]
In-Season Fates[]
Season | Died? | How? |
HGSS1 | Yes | Strangled to death by Cheyenne after engaging in a fist fight |
HGSS3 | No | Victor |
HGSS7 | Yes | Stabbed while her back is turned by Brick McArthur |
HGSS10 | Yes | Suffocated in the arena fire |
HGSS25 | Yes | Built a teleporter with Sour Cream and escape the season |
HGSS29 | Yes | Killed in a failed ambush by Cloud Strife, Frisk and Wii Fit Trainer |
Randomized Hunger Games | Yes | Killed by Hoppy in her sleep |