"Roman Torchwick" is a character introduced in the Web Animation series RWBY. Sophisticated yet malevolent, Roman is a dashingly dressed wanted criminal who is encountered by Ruby Rose in his schemes of stealing Dust supplies. Ruthless and lethal, he uses pragmatic techniques to ensure an upper hand in combat. He first appears in HGSS12.
Hunger Games Stats[]
Appearances & Placements[]
Season | District | Placing |
HGSS12 | District 3 | 18th Place |
HGSS14 | District 4 | 24th Place |
HGSS18 | District 9 | 15th Place |
HGSS22 | District 2 | 1st Place |
HGSS23 | District 11 | 12th Place |
HGSS25 | District 8 | 21st Place |
HGSS28 | District 10 | 21st Place |
Kill Count[]
Season | Kills | Victims | How? |
HGSS22 | 3 | Star Butterfly | Killed for her supplies |
Rodney | Repeatedly stabbed to death with a pair of sais | ||
Izzy | Pushed off a cliff during a knife fight |
District Partners[]
Partner | District | Season |
Jasper | District 3 | HGSS12 |
Shin | District 4 | HGSS14 |
Chica | District 9 | HGSS18 |
Toy Freddy | District 2 | HGSS22 |
Jack-O-Chica | District 11 | HGSS23 |
Calvin Harnish | District 8 | HGSS25 |
Giselle | District 10 | HGSS28 |
In-Season Fates[]
Season | Died? | How? |
HGSS12 | Yes | Killed in an explosion from a bomb by Adam |
HGSS14 | Yes | Strangled to death by Laurie after engaging in a fist fight |
HGSS18 | Yes | Fails to hijack a tank and is killed |
HGSS22 | No | Victor |
HGSS23 | Yes | Injured by Phantom Chica and left to die in the acid rain |
HGSS25 | Yes | Killed by Shadow Freddy for his supplies |
HGSS28 | Yes | Throat cut with scissors by Alyphs |