Hunger Games Simulator Wiki
This is about the actual Randomized Hunger Games III. You may be looking for the test phase of Randomized Hunger Games III.
Main Information Relationships Season Script

"Randomized Hunger Games III" is a Hunger Games Simulator season created by The-Only-One-Emotion, a Reddit user. It is also a part of Randomized Hunger Games (Series). It is a 42-tribute season and it features 13 Districts, each assigned with a specific color as their district names.


Here is another season for the "Randomized Hunger Games", and pretty much the fifth overall season that I released.

The season's events are heavily based on the ones used in the testing phase of this season (you can view it here), and thus it has a prominent theme of "Among Us". However, some of the events have been removed to prevent it from being too childish as well as setting the death rate higher to prevent that one time where 4 days they were not killing anyone, which is extremely boring.

I'm also preparing for another season with a specific theme, probably after the next season or so. If you have any suggestions for future seasons, let me know by the comments, and all tribute and event suggestions are welcome.


My bet is that group 2 is sus.



Blazer Foodini Linainverse Minamajikina

Deanambrose Minicrewmate Playeramongus Playeramongus

Smachiko Atopthefourthwall Foop Sportacus

Makeitjingle Raichu Ashdavis Rattata Predakingprime Ayadrevis

Jaunearc Zeetee Zerodrakengard3 Shawntd Hankhanky Noroko

Onekiss Balan Lancebalanwonderland Chicafnaf Ancientminister Kenmasters

Natalieharlow Blackhiver Ciardha Dakotamilton Sandmanwwe Shominazuki

Happyjd Cartujaassassin Strelitzia Rowlet Mstammers Meik10022

Character From Year District
Blazer Original character 2013 Red
Foodini Papa's Pancakeria 2012 Red
Lina Inverse Slayers 1990 Red
Mina Majikina Samurai Shodown V 2003 Red
Dean Ambrose Real Life 2004 Blue
Mini Crewmate Among Us 2018 Blue
Crewmate Among Us 2018 Blue
Imposter Among Us 2018 Blue
Sakurano Machiko Sakura Spirit 2014 Green
Linkara YouTube 2006 Green
Foop The Fairly OddParents! 2009 Green
Sportacus LazyTown 2004 Green
Make It Jingle Just Dance 2018 2017 Pink
Raichu Pokémon Red and Green 1996 Pink
Ash Davis Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number 2015 Pink
Rattata Pokémon Red and Green 1996 Orange
Predaking Transformers: Prime 2013 Orange
Aya Drevis Mad Father 2011 Orange
Jaune Arc RWBY 2013 Yellow
Zee-Tee Eversion 2008 Yellow
Zero Drakengard 3 2013 Yellow
Shawn Total Drama: Pahkitew Island 2014 Black
Hank Pencilmation 2009 Black
Noroko The Black Heart 2010 Black
One Kiss Just Dance 2019 2018 White
Balan Balan Wonderworld 2021 White
Lance Balan Wonderworld 2021 White
Chica Five Nights at Freddy's 2014 Purple
Ancient Minister Super Smash Bros. Brawl 2008 Purple
Ken Masters Street Fighter 1987 Purple
Natalie Harlow Region Trotters: Kanto Catastrophes 2017 Brown
Black Hiver YouTube Poop: Skellington's Revenge 2013 Brown
Ciardha YouTube Poop: Candace Opens an Interdimensional Portal 2012 Brown
Dakota Milton Total Drama: Revenge of the Island 2012 Cyan
Sandman Real Life 1989 Cyan
Sho Minazuki Persona 4 Arena Ultimax 2013 Cyan
Happy Just Dance 2015 2014 Lime
Assassin Cartuja Epic Seven 2019 Lime
Strelitzia Kingdom Hearts Union χ 2015 Lime
Rowlet Pokémon Sun and Moon 2016 Fortegreen
Tammy My Life as a Teenage Robot 2003 Fortegreen
Miek Planet Hulk 2010 Fortegreen

Custom Event Cameos[]

Character Name From Year
Monokuma Monokuma Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc 2010


Tribute District Placing Cause of Defeat
Dakota Milton Cyan 42nd Place Stabbed while her back was turned by Aya Drevis
Crewmate Blue 41st Place Entered a restricted area and was punished by Monokuma
Foop Green 40th Place Fell into a pit and died
Ancient Minister Purple 39th Place Flung out to outer space by Mini Crewmate, Tammy, and Hank after Mini Crewmate accused them of being an Imposter
Aya Drevis Orange 38th Place Bled out due to untreated injuries
Lina Inverse Red 37th Place Accidentally stepped on a landmine
Sportacus Green 36th Place Killed by One Kiss, who was tricked into doing so by Miek
Chica Purple 35th Place Attempted to climb a tree, but fell to her death
Ciardha Brown 34th Place Severely sliced with a sword by Make It Jingle
Sakurano Machiko Green 33rd Place Accidentally stepped on a landmine
Ken Masters Purple 32nd Place Died from hypothermia
Rowlet Fortegreen 31st Place Died from thirst
Raichu Pink 30th Place Attempted to climb a tree, but fell to her death
Linkara Green 29th Place Died from an infection
Shawn Black 28th Place Fell into a pit and died
Tammy Fortegreen 27th Place Arrow shot into her head by Zero
Lance White 26th Place Eaten by an alien
Balan White 25th Place Neck silently snapped by Noroko
Black Hiver Brown 24th Place Killed by Mina Majikina, who was forced to do so by Sho Minazuki
Ash Davis Pink 23rd Place Hikes up in a volcano and got burned to a crisp
Dean Ambrose Blue 22nd Place
Mini Crewmate Blue 21st Place
Foodini Red 20th Place Unknowingly ate toxic berries
Blazer Red 19th Place Fell into a pit and died
One Kiss White 18th Place Built a teleporter and used it to escape the season
Imposter Blue 17th Place
Rattata Orange 16th Place Killed in an explosion from a bomb by Strelitzia
Sho Minazuki Cyan 15th Place
Predaking Orange 14th Place Set on fire with a molotov by Noroko
Natalie Harlow Brown 13th Place Fell into a frozen lake and drowned
Sandman Cyan 12th Place Fell into a pit and died
Make It Jingle Pink 11th Place Killed with his own weapon by Zee-Tee
Happy Lime 10th Place Eaten by an alien
Strelitzia Lime 9th Place Fatally poisoned by the poisoned drink meant for Assassin Cartuja
Noroko Black 8th Place Died from hypothermia
Zee-Tee Yellow 7th Place Died trying to escape the arena
Assassin Cartuja Lime 6th Place Died from an infection
Jaune Arc Yellow 5th Place Died from hypothermia
Zero Yellow 4th Place Unknowingly ate toxic berries
Mina Majikina Red 3rd Place Killed by Hank after convincing her not to kill him
Hank Black 2nd Place Threatens a double suicide and dies
Miek Fortegreen 1st Place


District Placements[]

District Placements
1 Fortegreen
2 Black
3 Red
4 Yellow
5 Lime
6 Pink
7 Cyan
8 Brown
9 Orange
10 Blue
11 White
12 Green
13 Purple



Tribute Total
Noroko 2
Aya Drevis 1
Make It Jingle
Mina Majikina
Mini Crewmate
One Kiss

Custom Event Cameos[]

Tribute Total
Monokuma 1

