Hunger Games Simulator Wiki

"Noivern" is a dual-type Flying/Dragon Pokémon introduced in Generation VI. Noiverns are known for their violent temper, but can also be tamed and befriended by presenting to them their favorite fruit. They can also unleash powerful ultrasonic waves strong enough to shatter boulders. They first appear in Pokemon Hunger Games Simulator (Season 6).

Hunger Games Stats[]

Appearances & Placements[]

Season District Placing
Pokemon Hunger Games Simulator (Season 6)
District 6 44th Place

Kill Count[]

Season Kills Victims How?
So far, Noivern has not killed any tributes yet.

District Partners[]

Partner(s) District Season
Arcanine District 6 Pokemon Hunger Games Simulator (Season 6)
Alolan Marowak

In-Season Fates[]

Season Died? How?
Pokemon Hunger Games Simulator (Season 6) Yes Killed in a three-person battle by Masquerain