Hunger Games Simulator Wiki

"Nicole" is an original Total Drama character who appears in the fanfiction series Total Drama Island Do Over and part of the ensemble of Total Drama Revenge Do Over. She was raised by the government after bring left in an orphanage to become a powerful agent that protects the world from all evil, all at the cost of being emotionless. Because of this and worrying of being unable to adjust to normal life, she is assigned to Total Drama, in hopes that she can gain some emotions. She first appears in HGSS3.

Hunger Games Stats[]

Appearances & Placements[]

Season District Placing
HGSS3 District 1 6th Place
HGSS5 District 9 16th Place
Randomized Hunger Games District 1 19th Place

Kill Count[]

Season Kills Victims How?
HGSS3 2 Stephanie Killed for her supplies
Felicity Killed to avoid the carnivorous squirrels

District Partners[]

Partner District Season
Brick McArthur District 1 HGSS3
Morgan Freeman District 9 HGSS5
Genesect District 1 Randomized Hunger Games

In-Season Fates[]

Season Died? How?
HGSS3 Yes Neck silently snapped by Anne Maria
HGSS5 Yes Formed a suicide pact with Zachary, Sky and Scott, killing themselves
Randomized Hunger Games Yes Killed by Constance von Nuvelle after absorbing the SOULs of fallen tributes