"Neopolitan" is a character introduced in the Web Animation series RWBY. With the power of Overactive Imagination, Neo is an associate with Cinder Fall’s Faction. She keeps her work seriously and with business-like behavior, showing confidence of her skills in her duties, although a playful side peeks out in occassion. She first appears in HGSS10.
Hunger Games Stats[]
Appearances & Placements[]
Season | District | Placing |
HGSS10 | District 4 | 20th Place |
HGSS19 | District 9 | 4th Place |
HGSS22 | District 11 | 16th Place |
HGSS29 | District 12 | 8th Place |
Kill Count[]
Season | Kills | Victims | How? |
HGSS19 | 2 | Andrea | Accidentally shot with an arrow |
Cinder Fall | Fatally poisoned with poison drink |
District Partners[]
Partner | District | Season |
Rainbow Quartz | District 4 | HGSS10 |
Sam | District 9 | HGSS19 |
Niko Bellic | District 11 | HGSS22 |
Coraline Jones | District 12 | HGSS29 |
In-Season Fates[]
Season | Died? | How? |
HGSS10 | Yes | Stabbed and then pushed into the monstrous hurricane by Priyanka Maheswaran |
HGSS19 | Yes | Killed by Yellowtail so she does not have to be attacked by the squirrels |
HGSS22 | Yes | Killed in a battle by Dalton Pilota and Papyrus |
HGSS29 | Yes | Killed in an ambush by Bayonetta |