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Hunger Games Simulator Wiki
This is about a camper with Dissiociative Identity Disorder. You may be looking for one of the night guards of Freddy's Pizzaria.

"Mike" is a character introduced into the Western Animation series Total Drama, particularly Total Drama: Revenge of the Island. Although he resembles like a normal kid, Mike is diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder, which contains five different personalities within his mind. These personalities include Chester, Svetlana, Vito, Manitoba Smith and Mal. He first appears in HGSS2.

Hunger Games Stats[]

Appearances & Placements[]

Season District Placing
HGSS2 District 1 19th Place
HGSS13 District 10 21st Place

Kill Count[]

Season Kills Victims How?
So far, Mike (Total Drama) has not killed any tributes yet.

District Partners[]

Partner District Season
Ludwig von Malmar District 1 HGSS2
Mickey (Total Drama) District 10 HGSS13

In-Season Fates[]

Season Died? How?
HGSS2 Yes Killed by attacking visiting animatronics
HGSS13 Yes Killed in an explosion form a bomb by Lie Ren