Hunger Games Simulator Wiki
Hunger Games Simulator Wiki

"Masquerain" is a dual-type Bug/Flying Pokémon introduced in Generation III. Masquerain's four wings allow it to fly in any direction and hover, but it cannot fly when its wings are wet and avoids rainy days. To detect any approaching rain, its antennae become heavy and droop. They first appear in Pokemon Hunger Games Simulator (Season 6).

Hunger Games Stats[]

Appearances & Placements[]

Season District Placing
Pokemon Hunger Games Simulator (Season 6)
District 8 17th Place

Kill Count[]

Season Kills Victims How?
Pokemon Hunger Games Simulator (Season 6) 2 Tapu Koko Killed in a three-person battle

District Partners[]

Partner District Season
Absol District 8 Pokemon Hunger Games Simulator (Season 6)

In-Season Fates[]

Season Died? How?
Pokemon Hunger Games Simulator (Season 6) Yes Dies trying to kill as many squirrels as she can