"Ludwig von Malmar" is an original crossover character between Pokémon and Total Drama who appears in the fanfiction series Region Trotters and part of the ensemble of Region Trotters: Kanto Catastrophes. Hailing from Vermilion City, Ludwig is the friendly neighborhood scientist who always works with electronics, chemical formulas and Pokémon theories. Despite his great talent, he's also a safety nut and avoids making risks to stay out of trouble. He first appears in HGSS1.
Hunger Games Stats[]
Appearances & Placements[]
Season | District | Placing |
HGSS1 | District 4 | 5th Place |
HGSS2 | District 1 | 13th Place |
HGSS5 | District 5 | 5th Place |
HGSS13 | District 6 | 10th Place |
HGSS15 | District 4 | 24th Place |
HGSS21 | District 3 | 7th Place |
HGSS27 | District 3 | 7th Place |
HGSS29 | District 11 | 21st Place |
Kill Count[]
Season | Kills | Victims | How? |
HGSS1 | 2 | Ezekiel | Severely sliced with a sword |
Trixie Masterson | Betrayed and killed with Cory Moore and Lindsay | ||
HGSS13 | 1 | Mickey | Killed in a three-person battle |
HGSS27 | 1 | Spud | Killed for making too much noise |
HGSS29 | 1 |
District Partners[]
Partner | District | Season |
Trixie Masterson | District 4 | HGSS1 |
Mike | District 1 | HGSS2 |
Sugar | District 5 | HGSS5 |
Morgan Freeman | District 6 | HGSS13 |
Ruby | District 4 | HGSS15 |
Rock | District 3 | HGSS21 |
Onion | District 3 | HGSS27 |
Alphys | District 11 | HGSS29 |
In-Season Fates[]
Season | Died? | How? |
HGSS1 | Yes | Killed by Calvin Harnish while he resting |
HGSS2 | Yes | Killed in a failed ambush by Cody Anderson, Heather and Staci |
HGSS5 | Yes | Burned to death from arena fire |
HGSS13 | Yes | Killed in a battle by Laurie and Robert |
HGSS15 | Yes | Killed in an explosion from a bomb by Nigel Uno |
HGSS21 | Yes | Bleeds out due to untreated injuries |
HGSS27 | Yes | Blown up by Raven Branwen with a rocket launcher |
HGSS29 | Yes | Cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide |