"Leonard" is a character introduced into the Western Animation series Total Drama, particularly Total Drama: Pahkitew Island. He is a passionate LARPer and dresses like a wizard, who believes that he has magic powers. Despite meaning well, his mind is not in the right place at appropriate times. He first appears in HGSS3.
Hunger Games Stats[]
Appearances & Placements[]
Season | District | Placing |
HGSS3 | District 5 | 16th Place |
HGSS5 | District 12 | 1st Place |
HGSS19 | District 11 | 5th Place |
HGSS25 | District 11 | 8th Place |
HGSS33 | District 7 | 6th Place |
Kill Count[]
Season | Kills | Victims | How? |
HGSS3 | 1 | Izzy | Killed in a three-person battle |
HGSS5 | 2 | Steve Austin | Kicked and then pushed into the fire |
Trenton "Blackichan" Brown | Overpowered, killing him | ||
HGSS25 | 1 | Shadow Freddy | Killed after being convinced not to kill him |
HGSS33 | 2 | ||
District Partners[]
Partner | District | Season |
Carrie | District 5 | HGSS3 |
Harrison Rivello | District 12 | HGSS5 |
Cinder Fall | District 11 | HGSS19 |
Scott | District 11 | HGSS25 |
Springtrap | District 7 | HGSS33 |
In-Season Fates[]
Season | Died? | How? |
HGSS3 | Yes | Dies from hunger |
HGSS5 | No | Victor |
HGSS19 | Yes | Fatally poisoned by a poisoned drink that is meant for Yellowtail |
HGSS25 | Yes | Killed in a three-person battle by Yellowtail |
HGSS33 | Yes | Impaled in the abdomen with a spear by Spencer Dolch |