"Kyoko Kirigiri" is a student in Hope's Peak Academy's Class 78th, and a participant of the Killing School Life featured in Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc. An enigmatic girl whose "Ultimate" talent is unknown. She radiates a cold and unfriendly attitude, and deflects any questions about her identity or past. Despite this, her insight and deductive abilities prove invaluable during the murder investigations. She first appears in Hunger Games Simulator - Round Danganronpa.
Hunger Games Stats[]
Appearances & Placements[]
Season | District | Placing |
Hunger Games Simulator - Round Danganronpa | District 1 | - |
Hunger Games: Danganronpa Edition | District 6 | 35th Place |
Danganronpa Hunger Games (birdietalk) | District 1 | 45th Place |
Danganronpa Games (birdietalk) | District 1 | 9th Place |
The Nonsense Games 2: Dynamic Duos | District 7 | - |
Kill Count[]
Season | Kills | Victims | How? |
Danganronpa Games (birdietalk) | 2 | Angie Yonaga | Fatally poisoned by Strike-9 Poison put in her food |
Rantaro Amami | Strangled with rope |
District Partners[]
In-Season Fates[]
Season | Died? | How? |
Hunger Games Simulator - Round Danganronpa | - | - |
Hunger Games: Danganronpa Edition | Yes | Killshot by Mahiru Koizumi |
Danganronpa Hunger Games (birdietalk) | Yes | Killed with her own weapon by Gonta Gokuhara |
Danganronpa Games (birdietalk) | Yes | Killed in a battle by Kokichi Oma and Miu Iruma |
The Nonsense Games 2: Dynamic Duos | - | - |