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Custom Events is one of the major features that allows Hunger Games Simulators to have more content and varied occurrence within a season. The feature allows the inclusion of various events, from humorous to dramatic, as well as peaceful or non-violent eliminations of other tributes, which can also include cameos of characters who will interact with the tribute or even eliminating them.
To begin with adding a new event, click the MODIFY EVENTS tab, which can be found in the left side of the site, in the second group of options.
Once you have clicked in it, there are will be two different categories, an untitled one (dubbed as "Normal") and Fatal, each holding the Bloodbath, Day, Night and Feast events. Click one of the subcategories to access the overall list of events of the season.
Parts of Making an Event[]
Event Category Tabs
The tabs are used to divide and distribute the events in their respective categories. There are two different types of events, Normal and Fatal, and are further divided into five subcategories:
Bloodbath - The events in this category are used during the very start of the season, which are known as Bloodbath. Although they can be added, removed or edited, the common default event is "(Player1) runs away from the Cornucopia."
Day - The events in this category are used during the Day segments of each passing day. Some events can be evenly distributed to Night events.
Night - The events in this category are used during the Night segments of each passing day. Some events can be evenly distributed to Day events.
Feast - The events in this category are used during the Feast, where it is stated that the Tributes are coming in together. Unlike the Day and Night events, they have their own set of categories, though they all share the same Fatal events as with their main counterparts. Similar to the Feast, they also have the common default event; "(Player1) does not go to The Feast."
Arena - This is a special category for events that are set to appear during the Arena segments, where a special segment for the day is commenced and has a higher mortality rate compared to the other four segments. For further information regarding to Arena Event creation, see the section Arena Events.
Number of Tributes Involved
Serves as the indicator of how many tributes that are going to be involved in the event. The limit of the total amount of tributes is 6.
Event Text
Serves as the main input of the custom event's text.
Event Text
(Special Characters)
These are specific characters that are designed to tell which tribute is which, especially in their own actions. The following are the special characters that are required in order for the custom event to have better quality and effect:
(Player#) - This is where the tribute involved is mentioned by their name. The # is to be replaced by the number of the tribute involved' (Ex. (Player1), (Player2) and (Player3))
(He/She#), (Him/Her#), (His/Her#) and (Himself/Herself#) -This is used to tell how the tribute is addressed within the season. The characters used between denotes on the tribute's personal attribute (1 - Male, 2 - Female) and follows similar with the (Player#) character, replacing the # with the number of the tribute involved.
Submits the custom event and adds it to its designated category.
Creating an Event[]
Start creating your custom event by typing in the text box provided by the creator, where it is presented as a white rectangle.
In the text box, type on anything that you wanted to add in the text. You can type something that you wanted to happen or expand the activities that the tributes do in each set of the day in a simulator. You can also look at the examples on how they are formed in here.
Once you have created the event text, always apply the special characters "(Player#)" and "(his/her#)" as needed, as the those will be replaced by the designated tribute's name and gender input. If an event works properly, it should be seen here in this example:
John Doe, Jane Doe, John and Jane organize a camping trip to blackwater marsh and arrive "safely".
Always set on the Number of Tributes Involved to the correct amount, as too little will leave the rest of the other characters unoccupied and too much can cause other tributes to appear without any specific part in the custom event.
For custom fatal events, a different window and style is used in creating a custom fatal event, as it is shown here below.
Creating a fatal custom events functions similar to its non-fatal custom counterparts, but additional texts to indicate on how they are killed.
There are additional features that are added in this custom fatal event creator, where it displays on whether the tribute involved is the killer or victim. Add the correct parameters and choices depending on your decision.
Similar to the non-Fatal events, if an event works properly, it should be seen here in this example:
John Doe spears Jane Doe in her abdomen.
Once you have finish in making your own custom event, you can freely submit it by clicking the "Submit" button. The submitted event will be listed in its respective category's list of events, where the added event is seen at the bottommost portion of the list.
Arena Events[]
Arena Events are special set of events that appears within a day, though their occurrence can either be once or none at all, with it appearing more than one being rare.
Below is an image of the Arena Event creation page along with its parts:
Event Title
Serves as the main descriptor of the event that is used within the day.
Surviving Scenario
Serves as the main descriptor of how a tribute survives through the event. There is always one surviving scenario per every arena event. It is also fixed to a single tribute.
Scenario # Text
Serves as the main descriptor of the activities that are present within the arena. It ranges to tributes being killed by the altered environment of the arena to being directly killed by the phenomena and may even feature tributes exploiting the event so that they can kill other tributes with it.
Similar with the surviving scenario, there is always one scenario per every arena event and is fixed to a single tribute. Unlike the surviving scenario, there are five fixed scenarios per arena event. Creating the other four scenarios is similar with creating regular fatal events.
Fatal Scenario # (Number of Tributes)
Shows and demonstrates of how many tributes are involved in each scenario. Both the surviving and the first fatal scenario has a fixed amount of one tribute, while the four other fatal scenarios can be changed. They function similar with the regular fatal events.
Creating of custom arena events is similar with creating normal and fatal custom events, where you can type texts in the text boxes provided. You can also look at the examples on how they are formed in here.
To begin with, fill up the text box for Event Title first. It can either be generic or themed to your season, as well as references to various works.
Begin with the Surviving Scenario, where it details on how the tribute survives in the event. For the major default survival scenario text, it is "(Player1) survives".
Unlike with the rest of the custom events, "(Player1)" is to not be added at the start, as the system already has "(Player1)" input already into it. As such, they should be started with the details of their survival. If it works, it is to be shown here as an example:
John Doe survives.
Afterwards, you can start with the first Fatal Scenario, where you can add the details of their deaths. Their death details are to be aligned with the event title to establish consistency with its theme. Here is an example of a Fatal Scenario where giant cheese wheels fall from the sky:
John Doe got crushed to death by a giant cheddar cheese wheel.
Creation with the other four Fatal Scenarios are to be created in a similar way with the regular Fatal events, but in addition of keeping them in-line with the theme.
Miscellaneous Tips[]
In addition to elements from the classic version is carried to the experimental version, there are the following changes and additions that differs it from the classic version:
Changed Elements[]
The "MODIFY EVENTS" tab has been renamed to "MANAGE EVENTS", and it is now found at the bottom of The Reaping page.
The cap of tributes involved has been increased, from 6 up to 100.
The limit of surviving scenarios in arena events has been increased, from 1 up to 10, and they can be customized similar with regular events.
As a result of this, it is possible for a surviving scenario in an arena event to involve more than 1 tribute.
The limit of fatal scenarios in arena events has been increased, from 5 up to 10.
The simulator now supports non-binary, neuter, and pair genders.
As a result of this, the supported format is changed to (male/female/non-binary/neuter/plural#). But, you can still use just singular males and females, and the (he/she1) format of the past will still work. The additional genders will use "she" since it's last on the list.
There are presets for collections of certain words and genders within custom events. You can use these presets to shorten the event structure text and fit in longer events. All presets use an uppercase T for Type, but you can use a lowercase t for type.
[TypeA#] refers to (He/She/They/It/They#].
[TypeB#] refers to (Him/Her/Them/It/Them#].
[TypeC#] refers to (His/Her/Their/Its/Their#).
[TypeD#] refers to (Himself/Herself/Themself/Itself/Themselves#).
Additional Elements[]
Relationship System[]
A relationship system has been added. By default, all tributes in a district are allies with each other, while tributes outside their district are enemies. As a result of this, the default events were updated with new enemy and ally syntax to make sure allies don't try to harm one another. However, events can change the relationship dynamic throughout the course of a simulation. If a Player relationship is already specified, it does not have to be written again. By default, the relationship system is disabled, but it can be enabled in The Reaping page.
The : ("is") symbol, followed by a number, marks that the player is allied with EVERY other player with that number.
The ! ("is not") symbol, followed by a number, marks that the player is enemies with EVERY other player with that number.
The + ("joins") symbol, followed by a number, marks that the player is now allied with EVERY other player with that number.
The - ("leaves") symbol, followed by a number, marks that the player is no longer allied with ANY other player with that number.
Normally, the numbers symbolize "groups" of tributes who like each other. However, you can use a symbol followed by P# to describe the relationships between individual players, rather than groups. A non-mutual relationship where players feel differently about one another is possible.
You can add multiple symbols to a player to model more complex relationships.
Endgame Events[]
A new category of events has been added: endgame events. If endgame events are enabled, then there's a chance the final two (or more, if the relationships indicate all remaining tributes are allies) will do something together. Each event has a surviving scenario and a fatal scenario, which makes them similar to arena events. However, while arena events have a maximum of 10 scenarios for both surviving and fatal scenarios, the endgame events only have 1 surviving and fatal scenario. If the finalists survive the Endgame event, then they are co-winners, making it possible for more than one tribute to win a Hunger Games. However, if the fatal scenario is displayed, then there are no winners. The survival probability for any given endgame event can be anywhere from 0% to 100% in increments of 1%. Also for endgame events, the format [Players] is used to refer to all remaining players. The probability of an endgame event occurring can be set in the Other Settings tab, which can be found in the Adjust Settings tab at the bottom of The Reaping page. You can also adjust the trigger for an endgame event, and you can set the range where an endgame event will trigger. By default, an endgame event will always trigger if the finalists are from the same district, and the range is from the Bloodbath to Night 50.