Hunger Games Simulator Wiki

Tributes are one of the fundamental parts in the preparing a season. Seasons always feature a set of 24-tributes, with every new season featuring a set of ready-made tributes in your disposal.

This short guide is created for those who wish to have a more customized season, whether you want to have your favorite characters duking out against each other, placing characters that you and the audience agreed to add with for fun, or creating something that is worthy for a crack fic.



Cast Size[]

  • Before you can start with editing the cast, you can choose the total amount of tributes that you want to use for the season. To begin, click the ADJUST SIZE tab, which is found in the Reaping page and bottommost part of the page.
HungerGamesSimulatorBrantsteele CastSize
  • The page features three options for the size; 24, 36 and 48. You can choose in any of those by clicking on the options available.
    • Do note that the 24 tribute set is used as a default whenever a new season is created.
  • Be warned that clicking any of the options will erase all the data that is added in the Edit Cast page, so one must have the final amount of tributes that they wanted to use in their season.

Edit Cast[]

  • To edit the cast, click the EDIT CAST tab, which is found in the right side and being near to the "ADJUST SIZE" tab.

Parts of the Cast Editor[]

HungerGamesSimulatorBrantsteele CastEdit
  • The cast editor has many parts in presenting the tributes. You can read them more about them below:
Element Definition
# This is used to denote how many tributes is present per District. As there are two input sections next to it, only the uppermost section has the number.
Name Serves as the name of the tribute. This is used exclusively within the Reaping and Status pages in every Fallen Tributes section.

In the empty bars that are present below, the upper tab (with the numbering on the left side) serves as the input bar for the "Name". Has a total limit of 26 characters.
Nickname Serves as the name of the tribute. Can be used to share the name as with the tribute. This is used exclusively within the events.

In the empty bars that are present below, the lower tab serves as the input bar for the "Nickname". Like the "Name" tab, it has a total limit of 26 characters.
District # This is used to denote on which District the tributes are representing.
Image URL This is used to serve as an icon for tributes whenever they appear in the events. This is used only when they are alive or active.

In the empty bars that are present below, the upper tab serves as the input bar for the "Image URL".
Eliminated Image URL This is used to serve as an icon for tributes exclusively within the Fallen Tributes page. This is also used to check in the status subpage in the Fallen Tributes, used to convey that they are dead, inactive, out of function or retire.

In the empty bars that are present below, the lower tab serves as the input bar for the "Eliminated Image URL". However, it is set to BW by default.
Gender This is used to identify the gender of the tribute. This is used exclusively within the events. The options available are "M" (Male) and "F" (Female).
Real Player? This is used to automatically create a pre-set tribute, which automatically fills up the Name, Nickname, Image URL, Eliminated Image URL and Gender tabs. These are all arranged by "Show".

In the empty bars that are present below, the upper tab serves as the input bar for the "Real Player?".
Real Show? This is used to show the set of tributes that are present in a show, film or medium. The "Real Player?" is later used to show the associate tributes for it.

In the empty bars that are present below, the lower tab serves as the input bar for the "Real Show?".

Editing the Cast[]

  • In the main steps of editing the cast, you can begin by starting the name and nickname of the tribute.
    • The Name will be used only within the Reaping, Status and final parts of the season, so you can input any nicknames that you want to have the tribute to be referred to as in the events.
  • Next, you will change the Image URL. This image will be used throughout the entire season and be showcased in events.
    • It is explicitly stated that all images, regardless of the type of simulator by Brantsteele, must end in .png, .gif or .jpg. Because of this, animated images should work as well.[1]
  • Finally, select the gender that you want to assign to your custom tribute. Using the Real Player? and Real Show? tabs are completely optional in this step.

Submitting the Cast[]

HungerGamesSimulatorBrantsteele CastEdit2
  • Once all of the necessary forms and tabs are filled, you will proceed to the final sections of the page, where there are a few options that are placed in there. Here are the following effects that they have:
Element Definition
Change All Shows This is used to automatically fill all "Real Show?" tabs with the show, medium or film of choice.
Make All Eliminated Images BW This causes all of the "Eliminated Image URL" tabs to be filled with BW. This automatically creates a black and white filter on the existing tribute's image, which will be used in place for the eliminated image.
Make All Eliminated Images X This causes all of the "Eliminated Image URL" tabs to be filled with X. This automatically creates an image of a red X-mark, which will be used in place for the eliminated image.
Make Nicknames The Same As Names This causes all of the "Nickname" tabs to have the input texts in the "Name" be copied on it.
Don't Use Images At All This causes all of the "Image URL" and "Eliminated Image URL" tabs to be filled with SKIP. This also automatically disables use of image, regardless if only one tab is filled.
Reset This eliminates all of the input data that is present in the "Name", "Nickname", "Image URL" and "Eliminated Image URL" tabs, leaving them blank. It also changes the Gender tab to "?".
Submit This submits and applies all the changes that is made on the tabs and be directed back to the Reaping page, which would show the changes.
  • Once everything is set, click the "Submit" button.

Miscellaneous Tips[]

  • Clicking on the following options in the Adjust Size will cause the following changes in the tributes:
    • Having the "Use 24 tributes." set will causes the default tribute set from The Hunger Games to be used.
    • Having the other options (36 and 48) will create a randomized cast of tributes that are based in the existing shows and films that are present in its database. (See the tribute set that are present for the Classic Brantsteele version)
  • Any changes made in the Cast Edit page will cause the season to be re-simulated.
  • For images coming from different sources, the following steps will be processed to be used properly[1]:
    • For images from Discord, you can right click the picture and select "Copy Link", click the image and select "Open Original" or copy the link of the image to the clipboard.
    • For images from Imgur, you click "Get Shared Links" and copy the link from "Direct Links". For .gif, copy in the "Original GIF Link" instead.
    • For other sources, right click the picture's link and make sure to end it with the appropriate format.


Changed Elements[]

Additional Elements[]

