Hunger Games Simulator Wiki

Here is a list of all tributes that appears in seasons from Hunger Games Simulator Story.


Character Name From Year Games Kills
Empty Gabby The Walking Dead: Michonne TBA TBA TBA
Empty Gandalf The Hobbit TBA TBA TBA
Garethtwd Gareth AMC's The Walking Dead 2014 TBA TBA
Garethroach Gareth Roach Region Trotters: Johto Jeopardies 2017 TBA TBA
Garnetsu Garnet Steven Universe 2013 TBA TBA
Empty Gary Oak Pokémon (anime) TBA TBA TBA
Genocidejack Genocide Jack Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc TBA TBA TBA
Geofftd Geoff Total Drama Island 2007 TBA TBA
Empty Gerry Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race TBA TBA TBA
Empty Gideon Gleeful Gravity Falls TBA TBA TBA
Empty Gill The Walking Dead (video game) TBA TBA TBA
GIR GIR Invader Zim 2001 TBA TBA
Giselletdrdo Giselle Total Drama Revenge Do Over 2014 TBA TBA
Empty Glenn Rhee The Walking Dead TBA TBA TBA
Empty Glynda Goodwitch RWBY TBA TBA TBA
Empty Gohan Dragon Ball Z TBA TBA TBA
Goldenfreddy Golden Freddy Five Nights at Freddy's 2014 TBA TBA
Empty The Governor The Walking Dead TBA TBA TBA
Gracecirillo Grace Cirillo Region Trotters: Kanto Catastrophes 2017 TBA TBA
Empty Great Gozu Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School TBA TBA TBA
Empty Greg Fairbanks The Walking Dead: Michonne TBA TBA TBA
Greguniverse Greg Universe Steven Universe 2013 TBA TBA
Empty The Grim Reaper The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy TBA TBA TBA
Gumballwatterson Gumball Watterson The Amazing World of Gumball TBA TBA TBA
Gundhamtanaka Gundham Tanaka Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair TBA TBA TBA
Empty Gunter Adventure Time TBA TBA TBA
Empty Gwen Total Drama Island TBA TBA TBA
Empty Gwen Darcy RWBY TBA TBA TBA


Character Name From Year Games Kills
Empty Haiji Towa Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls TBA TBA TBA
Empty Hajime Hinata Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair TBA TBA TBA
Haroldmcgrady Harold McGrady Total Drama Island 2007 TBA TBA
Haroldsmiley Harold Smiley Steven Universe 2013 TBA TBA
Harrisonrivello Harrison Rivello Total Drama Revenge Do Over 2014 TBA TBA
Empty Hau Pokémon: Sun & Moon TBA TBA TBA
Heathertd Heather Total Drama Island 2007 TBA TBA
Empty Hei Xiong RWBY TBA TBA TBA
Hershelgreene Hershel Greene AMC's The Walking Dead 2011 TBA TBA
Hifumiyamada Hifumi Yamada Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc TBA TBA TBA
Empty Hiroko Hagakure Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls TBA TBA TBA
Hiyokosaionji Hiyoko Saionji Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair 2012 TBA TBA
Numbuh2 Hogarth Gilligan Jr. Codename: Kids Next Door 2002 TBA TBA
Hollyblueagate Holly Blue Agate Steven Universe TBA TBA TBA


Character Name From Year Games Kills
Ibukimioda Ibuki Mioda Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair 2012 TBA TBA
Iceking Ice King Adventure Time 2010 TBA TBA
Notavailable Ichigo Yuusuke Original character TBA TBA TBA
Empty Iris Pokémon (anime) TBA TBA TBA
Empty Irwin The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy TBA TBA TBA
Empty Ivo Robotnik Sonic the Hedgehog TBA TBA TBA
Empty Izuru Kamakura Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair TBA TBA TBA
Izzytd Izzy Total Drama Island 2007 TBA TBA


Character Name From Year Games Kills
Jacktdrdo Jack Total Drama Revenge Do Over 2014 TBA TBA
Jacksepticeye Jacksepticeye YouTube 2007 TBA TBA
Jackobonnie Jack-O-Bonnie Five Nights at Freddy's 4 2015 TBA TBA
Jackochica Jack-O-Chica Five Nights at Freddy's 4 2015 TBA TBA
Jackiethomas Jackie Lynn Thomas Star vs. the Forces of Evil 2015 TBA TBA
Jacksonbolal Jackson Bo'lal Region Trotters: Johto Jeopardies 2017 TBA TBA
Jacquestd Jacques Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race 2015 TBA TBA
Empty Jake the Dog Adventure Time TBA TBA TBA
Jamespkmn James Pokémon: Indigo League 1997 TBA TBA
Empty James Ironwood RWBY TBA TBA TBA
Jamiesu Jamie Steven Universe 2013 TBA TBA
Empty Jane The Walking Dead (video game) TBA TBA TBA
Jasminetd Jasmine Total Drama: Pahkitew Island 2014 TBA TBA
Jaspersu Jasper Steven Universe 2015 TBA TBA
Empty Jataro Kemuri Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls TBA TBA TBA
Jaunearc Jaune Arc RWBY 2013 TBA TBA
Jaytd Jay Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race 2015 TBA TBA
Jennifertd Jen Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race 2015 TBA TBA
Jennypizza Jenny Pizza Steven Universe 2013 TBA TBA
Default man Jeremy Fitzgerald Five Nights at Freddy's 2 2014 TBA TBA
Jerrylawler Jerry Lawler Real Life 1970 TBA TBA
Empty Jerry Smith Rick and Morty TBA TBA TBA
Jessie Jessie Pokémon: Indigo League 1997 TBA TBA
Jimross Jim Ross Real Life 1974 TBA TBA
Empty Jin Kirigiri Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc TBA TBA TBA
Notavailable Jin Wong Original character 2016 TBA TBA
Balloongirl JJ Five Nights at Freddy's 2 2014 TBA TBA
Jotd Jo Total Drama: Revenge of the Island 2012 TBA TBA
Joeyyoung Joey Young Region Trotters: Kanto Catastrophes 2017 TBA TBA
Johncena John Cena Real Life 1999 TBA TBA
Empty Johnny The Walking Dead (video game) TBA TBA TBA
Empty Jon Jafari YouTube TBA TBA TBA
Empty Jonas The Walking Dead: Michonne TBA TBA TBA
Joseburromuerto José Burromuerto Total Drama All-Stars 2013 TBA TBA
Joseetd Josee Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race 2015 TBA TBA
Joshtd Josh Total Drama Island 2007 TBA TBA
Empty Joyce The Walking Dead (video game) TBA TBA TBA
Junequintrell June Quintrell Total Drama Summer Camp 2015 TBA TBA
Junkoenoshima Junko Enoshima Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc 2010 TBA TBA
Empty Justin The Walking Dead (video game) TBA TBA TBA
Justintd Justin Total Drama Island 2007 TBA TBA
Empty Juzo Sakakura Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School TBA TBA TBA


Character Name From Year Games Kills
Katietd Katie Total Drama Island 2007 TBA TBA
Empty Katjaa The Walking Dead (video game) TBA TBA TBA
Empty Katniss Everdeen The Hunger Games TBA TBA TBA
Kazuichisoda Kazuichi Soda Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair TBA TBA TBA
Empty Kazuo Tengan Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School TBA TBA TBA
Keira Keira Yvonne Nguyen Region Trotters: Johto Jeopardies 2017 TBA TBA
Kellytd Kelly Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race 2015 TBA TBA
Empty Kenny The Walking Dead (video game) TBA TBA TBA
Empty Kevin Steven Universe TBA TBA TBA
Kikipizza Kiki Pizza Steven Universe 2013 TBA TBA
Kittytd Kitty Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race 2015 TBA TBA
Empty Kiyondo Ishida Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc TBA TBA TBA
Kiyotakaishimaru Kiyotaka Ishimaru Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc TBA TBA TBA
Empty Knuckles the Echidna Sonic the Hedgehog TBA TBA TBA
Kofipizza Kofi Pizza Steven Universe 2014 TBA TBA
Empty Koichi Kizakura Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School TBA TBA TBA
Komarunaegi Komaru Naegi Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls TBA TBA TBA
Empty Kotoko Utsugi Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls TBA TBA TBA
Krystalanderson Krystal Anderson Total Drama Revenge Do Over 2014 TBA TBA
Numbuh3 Kuki Sanban Codename: Kids Next Door 2002 TBA TBA
Empty Kurokuma Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls TBA TBA TBA
Kylieflatley Kylie Flatley Total Drama Summer Camp 2015 TBA TBA
Kyokokirigiri Kyoko Kirigiri Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc 2010 TBA TBA
Empty Kyosuke Munakata Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School TBA TBA TBA


Character Name From Year Games Kills
Empty Lady Rainicorn Adventure Time TBA TBA TBA
Lapislazulisu Lapis Lazuli Steven Universe 2014 TBA TBA
Empty Larry The Walking Dead (video game) TBA TBA TBA
Larsbarriga Lars Barriga Steven Universe 2013 TBA TBA
Laurietd Laurie Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race 2015 TBA TBA
Empty Lee Gravity Falls TBA TBA TBA
Empty Lee Everett The Walking Dead (video game) TBA TBA TBA
Empty Leggy Steven Universe TBA TBA TBA
Dannysexbang Leigh Daniel Avidan Ninja Sex Party 2009 TBA TBA
Leonkuwata Leon Kuwata Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc 2010 TBA TBA
Leonardtd Leonard Total Drama: Pahkitew Island 2014 TBA TBA
Leshawna Leshawna Total Drama Island 2007 TBA TBA
Lieren Lie Ren RWBY 2013 TBA TBA
Lightningtd Lightning Total Drama: Revenge of the Island 2012 TBA TBA
Lillie Lillie Pokémon Sun and Moon 2016 TBA TBA
Empty Lilly The Walking Dead (video game) TBA TBA TBA
Linatallman Lina Tallman Total Drama Summer Camp 2015 TBA TBA
Lindsay Lindsay Total Drama Island 2007 TBA TBA
Lionsu Lion Steven Universe 2014 TBA TBA
Empty Lisa Lavender RWBY TBA TBA TBA
Logandiamond Logan Diamond Region Trotters: Johto Jeopardies 2017 TBA TBA
Lorenzotd Lorenzo Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race 2015 TBA TBA
Lorigrimes Lori Grimes AMC's The Walking Dead 2010 TBA TBA
Lougullion Lou Gullion Total Drama Summer Camp 2015 TBA TBA
Ludwigvonmalmar Ludwig von Malmar Region Trotters: Kanto Catastrophes 2017 TBA TBA
Luigi Luigi Mario Bros. (Game & Watch) 1983 TBA TBA
Empty Luke The Walking Dead (video game) TBA TBA TBA
Empty Lumpy Space Princess Adventure Time TBA TBA TBA


Character Name From Year Games Kills
Mabelpines Mabel Pines Gravity Falls 2012 TBA TBA
Empty MacArthur Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race TBA TBA TBA
Empty Maggie Greene The Walking Dead TBA TBA TBA
Mahirukoizumi Mahiru Koizumi Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair 2012 TBA TBA
Makotonaegi Makoto Naegi Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc 2010 TBA TBA
Maltd Mal Total Drama All-Stars 2013 TBA TBA
Malachitesu Malachite Steven Universe 2015 TBA TBA
Malikacarter Malika Carter Region Trotters: Kanto Catastrophes 2017 TBA TBA
Empty Mandy The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy TBA TBA TBA
Mangle Mangle Five Nights at Freddy's 2 2014 TBA TBA
Empty Manitoba Smith Total Drama: Revenge Of The Island TBA TBA TBA
Marceline Marceline Adventure Time 2010 TBA TBA
Marcodiaz Marco Diaz Star vs. the Forces of Evil 2015 TBA TBA
Mario Mario Donkey Kong 1981 TBA TBA
Marissajayson Marissa Jayson Total Drama Summer Camp 2015 TBA TBA
Empty Mark The Walking Dead (video game) TBA TBA TBA
Markiplier Markiplier YouTube 2016 TBA TBA
Martaryan Marta Ryan Region Trotters: Johto Jeopardies 2017 TBA TBA
Martysu Marty Steven Universe 2015 TBA TBA
Marytd Mary Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race 2015 TBA TBA
Empty Masaru Daimon Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls TBA TBA TBA
Matthardy Matt Hardy Real Life 1992 TBA TBA
Empty Matt Hargreaves Eddsworld TBA TBA TBA
Matteorossi Matteo Rossi Region Trotters: Kanto Catastrophes 2017 TBA TBA
Empty Matthew The Walking Dead (video game) TBA TBA TBA
Maxtd Max Total Drama: Pahkitew Island 2014 TBA TBA
Empty Max Birch Pokémon (anime) TBA TBA TBA
Empty May Birch Pokémon (anime) TBA TBA TBA
Empty May Zedong RWBY TBA TBA TBA
Empty Mechamaru Nidai Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair TBA TBA TBA
Meltdwtdo Mel Total Drama World Tour Do Over 2013 TBA TBA
Empty Melanie Malachite RWBY TBA TBA TBA
Meowth Meowth Pokémon (anime) TBA TBA TBA
Empty Mercury Black RWBY TBA TBA TBA
Merledixon Merle Dixon AMC's The Walking Dead 2010 TBA TBA
Empty Mettaton Undertale TBA TBA TBA
Empty Miaya Gekkogahara Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School TBA TBA TBA
Michaeltddo Michael Total Drama Ridonculous Race Do Over 2016 TBA TBA
Michaelcole Michael Cole Real Life 1996 TBA TBA
Michaeldesanta Michael De Santa Grand Theft Auto V 2013 TBA TBA
Empty Michonne The Walking Dead TBA TBA TBA
Mickfoley Mick Foley Real Life 1983 TBA TBA
Mickeytd Mickey Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race 2015 TBA TBA
Mikantsumiki Mikan Tsumiki Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair 2012 TBA TBA
Empty Mike The Walking Dead (video game) TBA TBA TBA
Miketd Mike Total Drama: Revenge of the Island 2012 TBA TBA
Default man Mike Schmidt Five Nights at Freddy's 2014 TBA TBA
Blaineley Mildred O'Halloran Total Drama Action 2009 TBA TBA
Milestd Miles Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race 2015 TBA TBA
Empty Miltiades Malachite RWBY TBA TBA TBA
Minireena Minireena Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location 2016 TBA TBA
Empty Mr. Coconut Total Drama Island TBA TBA TBA
Mrfryman Mr. Fryman Steven Universe 2013 TBA TBA
Mistypkmn Misty Pokémon Red and Green 1996 TBA TBA
Mollytwd Molly The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series 2012 TBA TBA
Mollymacgrady Molly MacGrady Region Trotters: Kanto Catastrophes 2017 TBA TBA
Empty Monaca Towa Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls TBA TBA TBA
Empty Mondo Owada Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc TBA TBA TBA
Monokuma Monokuma Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc 2010 TBA TBA
Monomi Monomi Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair TBA TBA TBA
Montyquaid Monty Quaid Region Trotters: Johto Jeopardies 2017 TBA TBA
Morganfreeman Morgan Freeman Real Life 1964 TBA TBA
Empty Morty Smith Rick and Morty TBA TBA TBA
Muffet Muffet Undertale 2015 TBA TBA
Mukuroikusaba Mukuro Ikusaba Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc TBA TBA TBA
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