This unnamed Hunger Games Simulator season is created by PokeBird144. The season consists of all 48 students from the Danganronpa series (minus Ultimate Imposter, who was replaced by Yuki Maeda (Super Danganronpa Another 2)).
Character | From | Year | District |
1 | |||
1 | |||
1 | |||
1 | |||
2 | |||
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3 | |||
3 | |||
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6 | |||
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7 | |||
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7 | |||
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10 | |||
11 | |||
11 | |||
11 | |||
11 | |||
12 | |||
12 | |||
12 | |||
12 |
Tribute | District | Placing | Cause of Defeat |
John Doe | District 1 | 48th Place | TBA |
John Doe | District 1 | 47th Place | Fell into a pot of boiling hot water |
John Doe | District 1 | 46th Place | Died running in the wrong direction, wanting to run TOWARDS the cornucopia |
John Doe | District 1 | 45th Place | Weakened with gunfire and then stabbed in the head with a wrist blade by Yasuhiro Hagakure |
John Doe | District 1 | 44th Place | Knife thrown into his head by Kokichi Oma |
John Doe | District 1 | 43rd Place | Killed by WWWArea's army of wolves |
John Doe | District 1 | 42nd Place | Handed to Chris McLean's assistants by Sonia Nevermind, and they proceed to kill her |
John Doe | District 1 | 41st Place | Stabbed in the chest with a sharp pencil by Rantaro Amami |
John Doe | District 1 | 40th Place | Consumed a bomb-flavored pie and exploded |
John Doe | District 1 | 39th Place | TBA |
John Doe | District 1 | 38th Place | TBA |
John Doe | District 1 | 37th Place | TBA |
John Doe | District 1 | 36th Place | TBA |
John Doe | District 1 | 35th Place | TBA |
John Doe | District 1 | 34th Place | TBA |
John Doe | District 1 | 33rd Place | TBA |
John Doe | District 1 | 32nd Place | TBA |
John Doe | District 1 | 31st Place | TBA |
John Doe | District 1 | 30th Place | TBA |
John Doe | District 1 | 29th Place | TBA |
John Doe | District 1 | 28th Place | TBA |
John Doe | District 1 | 27th Place | TBA |
John Doe | District 1 | 26th Place | TBA |
John Doe | District 1 | 25th Place | TBA |
John Doe | District 1 | 24th Place | TBA |
John Doe | District 1 | 23rd Place | TBA |
John Doe | District 1 | 22nd Place | TBA |
John Doe | District 1 | 21st Place | TBA |
John Doe | District 1 | 20th Place | TBA |
John Doe | District 1 | 19th Place | TBA |
John Doe | District 1 | 18th Place | TBA |
John Doe | District 1 | 17th Place | TBA |
John Doe | District 1 | 16th Place | TBA |
John Doe | District 1 | 15th Place | TBA |
John Doe | District 1 | 14th Place | TBA |
John Doe | District 1 | 13th Place | TBA |
John Doe | District 1 | 12th Place | TBA |
John Doe | District 1 | 11th Place | TBA |
John Doe | District 1 | 10th Place | TBA |
John Doe | District 1 | 9th Place | TBA |
John Doe | District 1 | 8th Place | TBA |
John Doe | District 1 | 7th Place | TBA |
John Doe | District 1 | 6th Place | TBA |
John Doe | District 1 | 5th Place | TBA |
John Doe | District 1 | 4th Place | TBA |
John Doe | District 1 | 3rd Place | TBA |
John Doe | District 1 | 2nd Place | TBA |
John Doe | District 1 | 1st Place |
District Placements[]
District Placements | |
1 | District TBA |
2 | District TBA |
3 | District TBA |
4 | District TBA |
5 | District TBA |
6 | District TBA |
7 | District TBA |
8 | District TBA |
9 | District TBA |
10 | District TBA |
11 | District TBA |
12 | District TBA |
Kills | |
Tribute | Total |
- This season is not considered canon to Battle of the Ultimates. This is a separate season.