Hunger Games Simulator Wiki

"Hermione Jean Granger" is one of the main characters of the Harry Potter series, first appearing in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Intellectually gifted with strong magical potent, Hermione is Harry Potter’s Muggle-born friend, a wizard born from regular human parents. Studious and blunt, Hermione uses her intellect and logic in her needs and stays firm to Harry's side. She first appears in The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 1).

Hermione is one of the default tributes available in the Simublast version of the Simulators, under the group "Harry Potter".

Hunger Games Stats[]

Appearances & Placements[]

Season District Placing
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 1) District 9 6th Place
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 2) District 9 21st Place
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 3) District 9 19th Place
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 4) District 9 18th Place
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 5) District 9 19th Place
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 6) District 9 1st Place
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 7) District 9 24th Place
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 8) District 9 9th Place
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 9) District 9 19th Place
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 10) District 9 2nd Place

Kill Count[]

Season Kills Victims How?
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 6) 2 Jason Grace Killed for his supplies
Juno Reluctantly killed
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 8) 1 Sasha Braus Killed with a lava-dipped weapon
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 10) 4 Twilight Sparkle (Sci-Twi) Shot a poisonous dart by in her neck, slowly killing her
Yang Xiao Long Killed for her supplies
Jason Grace Tracked down and klled with Sieg, Sonia Nevermind and Fox McCloud
Sonia Nevermind Neck silently snapped

District Partners[]

Partner District Season
Fumikage Tokoyami District 9 The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 1)
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 2)
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 3)
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 4)
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 5)
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 6)
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 7)
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 8)
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 9)
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 10)

In-Season Fates[]

Season Died? How?
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 1) Yes Killed in an ambush by Steve, Boruto Uzumaki and Juno
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 2) Yes Killed in an explosion from a bomb by Steve
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 3) Yes Killed by Arthur Kirkland's trap
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 4) Yes Falls into a frozen lake and drowns
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 5) Yes Speared in the abdomen by Sieg
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 6) No Victor
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 7) Yes Killed by Yang Xiao Long as she tried to run
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 8) Yes Dies attempting to run through the border
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 9) Yes Killed in an unsuccesful ambush by Sonic the Hedgehog, Judy Hopps, and Yang Xiao Long
The Hunger Games Simulator (ft. Crossover Legends) (Round 10) Yes Killed by Sieg after being convinced not to kill him