Hunger Games Simulator Wiki
Main Information Season Script

"Hunger Games Simulator Story 37" (abbreviated to "HGSS37") is a Hunger Games Simulator season created by Crazyboycory22 (now known as SpoopertGoopert), which is part of the Hunger Games Simulator Story. It contains 36 Tributes, and features a diverse cast for the season.


This was made in a Hunger Games simulator. I edited the cast, however. Speaking of the cast, those chosen were randomly generated by a number generator and a list of people to choose from. They were NOT handpicked.

Thanks to Shrugs for giving me this link:

This was made simply for FUN and not to be insulting or damaging in any way. PLEASE, realize that this was for fun!

The 36 runner-ups from the 36 HGSS prior to this will go head-to-head in this HGSS.

However, since both Vanessa and Tyler got 2nd place TWICE, we replaced both of their second runner-up placements with a randomized tribute. Soos Ramirez is the replacement for Tyler's 2nd time getting runner-up and Sasha is for Vanessa's 2nd time getting runner-up.


Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty

Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty

Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty

Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty

Character From Year District
Cheyenne 1
Cody Anderson 1
Tyler 1
Randy Orton 2
Trenton Brown 2
Tobuscus 2
The Undertaker 3
Soos Ramirez 3
Beardo 3
Colton Herrington 4
Kiki Pizza 4
Egoraptor 4
Alejandro Burromuerto 5
Kitty 5
Vidalia 5
Beth Greene 6
Vanessa 6
Dawn 6
Amy 7
Nightmare Chica 7
Golden Freddy 7
Bill Cipher 8
Randy 8
Neptune Vasilias 8
Sasha 9
Connie Maheswaran 9
Jeremy Fitzgerald 9
Taylor 10
Alphys 10
Beast Boy 10
Shin 11
Geoff 11
Roman Reigns 11
Katie 12
Brock 12
Corey Hamilton 12


Tribute District Placing Cause of Defeat
John Doe District 1 36th Place TBA
John Doe District 1 35th Place TBA
John Doe District 1 34th Place TBA
John Doe District 1 33rd Place TBA
John Doe District 1 32nd Place TBA
John Doe District 1 31st Place TBA
John Doe District 1 30th Place TBA
John Doe District 1 29th Place TBA
John Doe District 1 29th Place TBA
John Doe District 1 28th Place TBA
John Doe District 1 27th Place TBA
John Doe District 1 26th Place TBA
John Doe District 1 25th Place TBA
John Doe District 1 24th Place TBA
John Doe District 1 23rd Place TBA
John Doe District 1 22nd Place TBA
John Doe District 1 21st Place TBA
John Doe District 1 20th Place TBA
John Doe District 1 19th Place TBA
John Doe District 1 18th Place TBA
John Doe District 1 17th Place TBA
John Doe District 1 16th Place TBA
John Doe District 1 15th Place TBA
John Doe District 1 14th Place TBA
John Doe District 1 13th Place TBA
John Doe District 1 12th Place TBA
John Doe District 1 11th Place TBA
John Doe District 1 10th Place TBA
John Doe District 1 9th Place TBA
John Doe District 1 8th Place TBA
John Doe District 1 7th Place TBA
John Doe District 1 6th Place TBA
John Doe District 1 5th Place TBA
John Doe District 1 4th Place TBA
John Doe District 1 3rd Place TBA
John Doe District 1 2nd Place TBA
John Doe District 1 1st Place


District Placements[]

District Placements
1 District TBA
2 District TBA
3 District TBA
4 District TBA
5 District TBA
6 District TBA
7 District TBA
8 District TBA
9 District TBA
10 District TBA
11 District TBA
12 District TBA


Tribute Total


  • This is the thirty-seventh season to be created by SpoopertGoopert.
    • It is also the second season to have 36 tributes.
  • PokeBird144 (as birdietalk) suggested the idea of a runner-up season.