Hunger Games Simulator Wiki
Main Information Season Script

"Hunger Games Simulator Story 16" (abbreviated to "HGSS16") is a Hunger Games Simulator season created by Crazyboycory22 (now known as SpoopertGoopert), which is part of the Hunger Games Simulator Story. It contains 24 Tributes and it features a diverse collection.


This was made in a Hunger Games simulator. I edited the cast, however. Speaking of the cast, those chosen were randomly generated by a number generator and a list of people to choose from. They were NOT handpicked.

Thanks to Shrugs for giving me this link:

This was made simply for FUN and not to be insulting or damaging in any way. PLEASE, realize that this was for fun!



Charlottesanders Prohyaswarrior Shanewalsh Jaunearc Conniem Blackichan Alejandroburromuerto Sourcreamsu

Jotd Garethtwd Calvinharnish Tophertd Jacquestd Kellytd Adamtdrdo Candacetdrdo

Bethgreene Edgewwe Garnetsu Samtd Coltonherrington Courtneytd Amytwd Foxyfnaf

Character From Year District
Charlotte Natasia Sanders Total Drama Revenge Do Over 2014 1
Prohyas Warrior Mighty Magiswords 2015 1
Shane Walsh AMC's The Walking Dead 2010 2
Jaune Arc RWBY 2013 2
Connie Maheswaran Steven Universe 2013 3
Trenton Brown Total Drama Summer Camp 2015 3
Alejandro Burromuerto Total Drama Action 2009 4
Sour Cream Steven Universe 2013 4
Jo Total Drama: Revenge of the Island 2012 5
Gareth AMC's The Walking Dead 2014 5
Calvin Harnish Total Drama Summer Camp 2015 6
Topher Total Drama: Pahkitew Island 2014 6
Jacques Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race 2015 7
Kelly Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race 2015 7
Adam Total Drama Revenge Do Over 2014 8
Candace Total Drama Revenge Do Over 2014 8
Beth Greene AMC's The Walking Dead 2010 9
Edge Real Life 1992 9
Garnet Steven Universe 2013 10
Sam Total Drama: Revenge of the Island 2012 10
Colton Herrington Total Drama Revenge Do Over 2014 11
Courtney Total Drama Island 2007 11
Amy AMC's The Walking Dead 2010 12
Foxy Five Nights at Freddy's 2014 12

Custom Event Cameos[]

Character Name From Year
Randyorton Randy Orton Real-Life 2000
Shrek Shrek Shrek 2001
Kanewwe Kane Real-Life 1992
Shialabeouf Shia LaBeouf Real-Life 1996
Default man Tom Abbot Real-Life 2004
Tundradragon Pony Flight Rising 2012
Blastoise Blastoise Pokémon Red and Green 1996


Tribute District Placing Cause of Defeat
Colton Herrington District 11 24th Place Strangled by Charlotte Natasia Sanders after engaging in a fist fight
Adam District 8 23rd Place Disconnected from the server
Edge District 9 22nd Place Drowned by Shane Walsh and Trenton Brown
Prohyas Warrior District 1 21st Place Shot himself after listening to Tom Abbot for ten minutes
Gareth District 5 20th Place Bled out due to untreated injuries
Connie Maheswaran District 3 19th Place Attempts to climb a tree but falls into Topher, killing them both
Topher District 6 18th Place Fallen over by Connie Maheswaran, killing them both
Sam District 10 17th Place Tracked down and killed by Courtney and Charlotte Natasia Sanders
Jo District 5 16th Place Fatally stabbed with a tree branch by Beth Greene
Garnet District 10 15th Place Killed by Sour Cream, who is forced to do so by Candace
Kelly District 7 14th Place Head bashed in with a mace by Charlotte Natasia Sanders
Sour Cream District 4 13th Place Tracked down and killed by Alejandro Burromuerto
Candace District 8 12th Place Bled out due to untreated injuries
Trenton Brown District 3 11th Place Unknowingly ate toxic berries
Jacques District 7 10th Place Killed by a wild Blastoise
Jaune Arc District 2 9th Place Decapitated with a sword by Calvin Harnish
Charlotte Natasia Sanders District 1 8th Place Killed with a hatchet by Shane Walsh
Courtney District 11 7th Place Killed with a sickle by Beth Greene
Calvin Harnish District 6 6th Place Ran over by Shane Walsh with a monster truck
Foxy District 12 5th Place
Shane Walsh District 2 4th Place Killed with a hatchet by Amy
Alejandro Burromuerto District 4 3rd Place Shown no mercy for rejecting pie
Beth Greene District 9 2nd Place Killed by Amy in her sleep
Amy District 12 1st Place


District Placements[]

District Placements
1 District 12
2 District 9
3 District 4
4 District 2
5 District 6
6 District 11
7 District 1
8 District 7
9 District 3
10 District 8
11 District 10
12 District 5



Tribute Total
Shane Walsh 4
Charlotte Natasia Sanders 3
Amy 2
Beth Greene
Alejandro Burromuerto 1
Calvin Harnish
Trenton Brown
Sour Cream
Connie Maheswaran

Custom Event Cameo[]

Tribute Total
Blastoise 1
Tom Abbot



Bugs and Errors[]

  • When Kelly died during Day 3, the cannon shots erroneously show Taylor's name.