Hunger Games Simulator Wiki

"Dhelmise" is a dual-type Ghost/Grass Pokémon introduced in Generation VII. Formed from the soul of a seaweed that is entangled with an anchor, Dhelmise uses their anchors with skill to capture their prey, such as Wailord to drain of their life force as their sustenance. They first appear in Pokemon Hunger Games Simulator (Season 6).

Hunger Games Stats[]

Appearances & Placements[]

Season District Placing
Pokemon Hunger Games Simulator (Season 6) District 11 37th Place

Kill Count[]

Season Kills Victims How?
Pokemon Hunger Games Simulator (Season 6) 3 Alolan Marowak Killed in an ambush with Absol and Stakataka

District Partners[]

Partner(s) District Season
Castform District 11 Pokemon Hunger Games Simulator (Season 6)

In-Season Fates[]

Season Died? How?
Pokemon Hunger Games Simulator (Season 6) Yes Severely injured by Gourgeist and left to die