Hunger Games Simulator Wiki
Hunger Games Simulator Wiki

"Daryl Dixon" is a major character who is introduced in AMC's The Walking Dead. The last remaining survivor in his own family, he is an expert hunter as well as good in tracking, navigation and combat. He is also Rick Grimes’ right hand, close friend and brother figure. He first appears in HGSS1.

Hunger Games Stats[]

Appearances & Placements[]

Season District Placing
HGSS1 District 2 7th
HGSS27 District 1 12th
HGSS28 District 5 19th

Kill Count[]

Season Kills Victims How?
HGSS1 1 Beth Stabbed while her back is turned
HGSS28 2

District Partners[]

Partner District Season
Rick Grimes District 2 HGSS1
Justin District 1 HGSS27
Ronaldo Fryman District 5 HGSS28

In-Season Fates[]

Season Died? How?
HGSS1 Yes Attempts to climb a tree but falls to his death
HGSS27 Yes Disconnected from the server
HGSS28 Yes Killed from a trap by Geoff