"Adam" is an original Total Drama character who appears in the fanfiction series Total Drama Island Do Over and part of the ensemble of Total Drama Revenge Do Over. A wild child with an affinity with nature and raised by wolves, he despises most human beings he comes in the way. He first appears in HGSS1.
Hunger Games Stats[]
Appearances & Placements[]
Season | District | Placing |
HGSS1 | District 9 | 21st Place |
HGSS2 | District 6 | 11th Place |
HGSS6 | District 6 | 22nd Place |
HGSS12 | District 2 | 3rd Place |
HGSS16 | District 8 | 23rd Place |
HGSS26 | District 8 | 1st Place |
Kill Count[]
Season | Kills | Victims | How? |
HGSS2 | 1 | Dawn (Total Drama) | Pulled down into an acidic rain puddle with him |
HGSS12 | 5 | Niko Bellic | Killed in an explosion from a bomb |
Sky | |||
Roman Torchwick | |||
Ben Keawe | Severely injured and put out of his misery | ||
Cheyenne | Killed while resting | ||
HGSS26 | 2 | Ruby | Knife thrown to her chest |
Charles McDaniel | Strangled with a rope |
District Partners[]
Partner | District | Season |
Cheyenne | District 9 | HGSS1 |
Cameron Wilkins | District 6 | HGSS2 |
Stephanie | District 6 | HGSS6 |
Springtrap | District 2 | HGSS12 |
Candace | District 8 | HGSS16 |
Kelly | District 8 | HGSS26 |
In-Season Fates[]
Season | Died? | How? |
HGSS1 | Yes | Dies from hypothermia |
HGSS2 | Yes | Shoved into a pond of acidic rain by Dawn |
HGSS6 | Yes | Unable to convince Trent not to kill him |
HGSS12 | Yes | Killed from a trap by Shadow Freddy |
HGSS16 | Yes | Disconnected from the server |
HGSS26 | No | Victor |